Differences between divorce and marriage annulment, and what requirements you need to satisfy for the Court to issue a decree of nullity.
SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA, July 2, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — What is an annulment of marriage?
An annulment of a marriage is a decree of nullity made by the Family Court under Part 3, Division 1, Section 23 of the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) which voids the marriage; and is a legal procedure that declares a marriage null and void.
In simple terms, it means that the marriage was never valid and does not have the same legal implications that a divorce does. That is to say there is no risk of a a future property settlement dispute. In effect there is no shared property because you were not legally married.
“Read this article for a clear explanation of annulment and the difference between annulment and divorce.”
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