Lawyer Charles Gillam has a word of advice for new parents of fur children: “Even if you don’t look at the other property – you let the court sort that out – look at the pet. It’s not going to stop the heartache, but at least there won’t be a fight.”
With a boom in pet uptake since the pandemic hit last year, it would be reasonable to expect a commensurate rise in custody dog fights (and they do mostly involve canines) when relationships go sour. And with some breeds of designer dogs fetching well above $7000, it can be a big financial investment, as well as an emotional one.
“Many a couple are distraught after a breakdown of a relationship deciding where the pet/s will live.
Our family lawyers suggest that if children are involved the pet/s follow the children for time to be spent with both of the parties.”
The closest train stations are Town Hall, taking the Park Street exit, or St James Station, taking the Elizabeth Street exit. John R Quinn & Co. is on the corner of Park and Elizabeth.
Best parking is in the Domain parking station. Take the moving footway and cross Hyde Park to reach our offices.